About me

Hey there, I’m Shay :) I’m the type of girl who loves a good salad, but also won’t pass up pizza date night with the hubs or wine night with the girls.

I guess when it comes down to it I’m just a girl who wants to look & feel her best, achieve her goals, and enjoy life while doing it. And I have a passion to help other women do the same!


Trust me, I totally get it

I myself was stuck in the yo-yo diet cycle. Restricting during the week, going overboard on the weekends, fearing carbs and thinking 1200 calories and lots of cardio were the answer to my weight loss issue.

But now, after years of implementing more balance into my lifestyle, I’ve built a body that I’m beyond proud of while having more food freedom than ever - and I can’t wait to help you do this too!


I’m on a mission to help women find balance with their food and fitness so they can look and feel their best without giving up the foods they love

But I don’t do it alone!


Assistant Coach


Not only is she a highly qualified, certified nutrition coach - she also has achieved her own transformation utilizing flexible dieting, strength training and sustainable habit changes.

She went from...

  • Working out 6 days a week

  • Doing 30-45 minutes of cardio everyday

  • Trying fad diets & workouts

  • Losing control on weekends


  • Lifting 4-5 days per week

  • Focusing on daily steps over cardio

  • Following a personalized macro plan

  • Still enjoying wine & dessert

  • Feeling free with food

She knows what it’s like to take a chance on a new process, put her full trust in it and finally achieve her body composition goals. And that’s exactly why she is uniquely fit to help you do the same through our programs!

Want to see more from Tracey? Check out her Instagram!

 Work With Us

Life in Balance

Group coaching program

This live 8 week program is designed to help you lose weight, tone up and improve your relationship with food in a balanced, non-restrictive way. You’ll receive personalized nutrition targets, workout programming, weekly live trainings and tons of coaching, support, accountability and resources to help you be successful during the 8 week program and beyond!

VIP 1:1 Coaching

Custom nutrition program

This 1:1 coaching upgrade is designed to give you the highest level of hands-on support to help you achieve your goals. You’ll receive a personalized nutrition plan, bi-weekly 1:1 check-in calls, direct messaging access and full complimentary access to our Life in Balance group program for additional education, resources and community to support you along your body transformation journey!

Fat Loss Blueprint

Comprehensive self-paced course

This all-in-one course will help you master the 3 phases of nutrition so you can kiss yo-yo dieting goodbye and say hello to sustainable, lasting results. You’ll learn how to navigate a cut phase, reverse diet and maintenance phase using a personalized macro plan to lose body fat, improve your body composition and keep the weight off for good.